Ministry Resources

Restoration Counseling Center

The birth of Restoration Counsel Center (RCC)
stemmed from a powerful vision to see individuals
return to their true, unique nature as intended by
God, with minds, hearts, and lives wholly restored.
Each counselor holds a professional license from the
State of Texas and has undergone extensive clinical

  • Solution-oriented approach
  • Biblically-based framework
  • Secure & confidential environment
  • Individualized care for each client

RCC offers (by appointment only):

  • Individual Therapy
  • Couples & Marriage Therapy
  • Play Therapy
  • Sandtray Therapy
  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy
Rachel Nauss, LCSW-S, RPT
Rachel Nauss, LCSW-S, RPT

SUM Bible College & Theological Seminary

Flexible, online classes — graduate with no debt! Associate’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Practical, hands-on ministry training from a fully accredited college.
Flexible, online classes — graduate with no debt! Associate’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Practical, hands-on ministry training from a fully accredited college.

Are you called to ministry? SUM offers a fully
accredited, local education at an affordable price.
Graduate with no debt through our donation-based
tuition! Associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees
are available for studies ranging from Christian
leadership to worship arts. Check out our Anytime,
Anywhere classes that are designed to fit your busy

Ready to hear more? Email [email protected].


Because we live in a world that is far from perfect, we all have to face the struggles and issues that come our way. Dealing with these difficulties on our own is not only challenging but also unwise. Celebrate Recovery is a supportive and encouraging community that provides a safe and accepting environment for those affected by life’s challenges. By embracing our pain and acknowledging the negative thoughts and emotions we may have towards ourselves, God, and others, we can start the journey toward healing. We learn to recognize that some of the habits we have developed to cope with our pain have had negative impacts on ourselves and those close to us.

Celebrate Recovery offers a well-balanced, Biblically-based approach to achieving sustainable recovery and healing. Through this process, we gain a better understanding of healthy behaviors and habits, allowing us to repair broken relationships and embrace a more fulfilling life.

Join more than 7 million people across the globe who now walk in freedom through the power of Jesus Christ as we travel through the Twelve Steps and Eight Principles of Celebrate Recovery.

Celebrate Recovery’s program deals with a variety of struggles, including:

Anger, Codependency, Eating Disorders, Food Issues, Love and Relationship Addiction, Physical, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Sexual and Porn Addiction, Gambling Addiction, Childhood Dysfunction, Grief, and Mental Health Issues.

We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm in the Sanctuary.

For more information, contact Bob Denton at: 817.821.3688

[email protected]

Come and find freedom with us!