How To Study Your Bible
Part 5
Remember, we’ve been looking at what’s called the inductive study method to studying your Bible that includes three parts:
OBSERVATION—an overall view
APPLICATION—what it means to me
We’ve covered the first two, but before we go to the APPLICATION part of our study, I want to add one more thing to the INTERPRETATION of the text—how to do a word study.
A Bible word study is a method for studying the Bible by choosing ONE word and dissecting it to truly understand the meaning of it, why and how it’s used, and how it can be applied to your life.
The value of a word study is that words open windows of understanding to a text. They help us to grasp the depth and meaning, and enrich our ability to grasp what God is saying.
So let’s go to a brief video of my walking you through a word study in the Greek language and another in the Hebrew. We are using the website that I pointed out last time. It is an excellent tool to add to your Bible study toolkit. Let’s go!
Alright! I hope that places a few more tools in your interpretation tool box. Now we come to the 3rd and final step in the Inductive Study Method:
Application of Scripture is the very last step in personal Bible study. Many jump to this step too early before getting a deep understanding of the what and why of their passage.
Remember, the highest purpose of Bible study is to know God better. It is not about us, it is about Him.
Notice what Scripture says about itself: It is “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
In other words, Bible truth touches and changes our life. It is meant to be applied to daily living!
Applying scripture is what shapes us into who God has called us to be. Once we have a solid grasp of the meaning of our text, we can ask questions that help us understand how it impacts our lives.
Here are some questions to ask when applying Scripture:
• What has this passage taught me about God’s character?
• How does this passage call me to live?
• Is there any command or direction here I need to obey?
• Are there any promises here for me to cling to?
• How does this passage change how I am living now?
• How does this passage change my relationships with others? (marriage, friendships, family, etc.)
• Is there an action or attitude in this passage I need to emulate in my own life?
• Is there something here I need to pray? For myself or someone else?
Once you’ve applied God’s powerful truth to your life, look for ways to SHARE IT. You can’t give what you don’t have, but you can and should give what you DO have!
When God teaches you something through your Bible study, sharing it with others adds another deep layer to your learning.
To share, you have to paraphrase and put what you have learned in your own words.
Sharing is teaching the Bible to others. And teaching is where it really sinks in for us.
When someone asks you what God is doing in your life, SHARE.
When your small group leader asks for people to discuss what they are learning, SHARE.
When you feel prompted to post on social media something you’ve learned, DO IT.
You never know how someone else might be blessed by what God has helped you to understand about the Bible. Bible truth is designed to export!
And finally, be sure to:
Establish a Consistent Bible Study Routine
Now that you know how to study the Bible, you can begin to cultivate a consistent study routine into your life.
Daily Bible study is ideal, but not everyone’s life allows for this deep kind of study to happen every day. That is okay. You can read your Bible on a daily basis and at least make a note or two in the margin. Then mark the verse or verses that particularly stood out for a later more in-depth study.
As you spend time in God’s word, your love and respect for it will grow. You will learn to cherish it as the Psalmist did. I can think of no better closing verse for this study than Psalm 119:162,
“I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure!”