All of you are in my prayers today…

Just finished my morning with a great time in the Word. I was reading about how Jesus told Simon Peter to cast his net into the deep part of the sea. Peter responded by saying, “Lord, we’ve fished all night long without a bite.” But then Simon spoke four words that changed the rest of his life:

“Nevertheless, at your word…”

He’s saying, “We’ve got nothing to show for a night of labor, but NEVERTHELESS, AT YOUR WORD. Our hands are empty, we’re discouraged and disappointed. But nevertheless, even though it makes no sense in the natural, I will do what you say.”

This speaks to me! How often we feel like, even with our best effort, we end up empty handed like Peter did. But listen. It’s when life gives you a lemon, when disappointment sits on you like the proverbial 800 pound gorilla that Jesus says, “Launch into the deep and let down your net.”

You know the rest of the story. Suddenly Peter’s net became so full of fish it tilted the boat, threatening to capsize it. The disappointed fisherman of mere moments before suddenly had the catch of his life!

Here’s my nugget for you today. Jesus supernaturally provided for them when they had NOTHING. And He will do the same for you. The Lord sees your need in this hour of crisis and at AT HIS WORD will abundantly provide!

I’m praying for you!