When things go crazy, God’s still got it!

I love Psalms 42. I can’t think of a more relevant psalm for what we’re all experiencing right now. In the first few verses, the psalmist imagines the worst possible scenario only to say that, EVEN THEN, we should not fear:

“So WE WILL NOT BE AFRAID, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the center of the sea, 3 and even if its waters go wild with storm and the mountains shake with its action” (42:1-3).

In these striking verses, we see things going crazy—the whole earth-shaking, mountains falling into the sea, the oceans waters thrashing out of control in a wild storm, and the majestic mountains shaking in tumult. Yet EVEN IN THIS “we will not be afraid!”

Now, you might look at this person claiming to have no fear and ask, “Are they aware of what’s really happening? Are they in some kind of severe denial?” OR….do they have a secret, a key to survival that is valid, real, and sustaining? Of course, the answer to the second question is YES, THEY DO. Then what is it? He tells us in verse 1:

“God is our safe place and our strength.”

The person that experiences peace and fearlessness in the worst of storms is the one who turns their faith toward God, spends time in His presence, lays hold of His promises, and trusts Him to guide them through it.

Let’s turn our eyes to the Lord of the storm today—our Refuge, Strength, and Helper. He’s already on the other side of this storm waiting for us to arrive intact!