Some things I’m starting to notice … (Disclaimer: The following is my personal opinion only)

As time passes a few things are starting to become clearer, sort of like a morning fog slowly lifts to reveal what was standing there the whole time. First, without question, coronavirus is real and has left a terrible footprint, particularly (but not exclusively) with the elderly and immune system compromised. It is not to be taken lightly. Major kudos to all the courageous health care workers nationwide that put their lives on the line to save others!

That said, we were told from the start to isolate as much as possible in order to prevent its spread. The hospitals, experts warned, would otherwise be flooded resulting in a catastrophic medical crisis. So … we stayed home and limited our travel to necessary public places. When out, most of us wore gloves and/or face masks where people were gathered.

Yet now we’re learning that aside from New York and perhaps one or two other heavily congested cities, the hospitals are overrun with empty beds, not coronavirus occupants. Hmmm. And the scientific models predicting x number of fatalities have been significantly off. Also, it’s important to note that “experts and government officials now tell us our numbers are lower because we are doing what they told us to do, but social distancing was ALWAYS part and parcel of their high predictions.”—William Bennett and Seth Leibsohn, WND news.

As a result, Dr. Jonathan Geach writes: “Our health care system is now underwhelmed and health care workers are being laid off and furloughed in droves as a result of health care centers having neglected patient care not related to COVID-19 in fear of a COVID-19 surge that failed to materialize on a nationwide basis.”

As these facts begin to sink into the minds of Americans, the natives are growing restless. How much longer can this go on? And should Coronavirus return in the fall (as some predict) will the nation be mandated to shut down again? If so, how many would abide by that? And could America bear another sledgehammer to its already wounded economy?

I trust God. But I am uneasy with a government that gets in the habit of mandating total societal shutdown. Washington rarely gains power it easily or happily relinquishes. My prayer is that this will be it. Next time, let’s trust the people to use their own common sense once they know the facts.