One thing I know for sure…

In a world being tossed about like a rag doll with crisis, fear, hate, anxiety, rage, and uncertainty, my eyes are fixed on the CERTAINTY of Jesus Christ.

He is my Rock in the midst of this storm; the one who knows what’s coming before it arrives, how it will end before it begins.

He dwells above time seated securely in eternity, surveying our planet from the majestic right hand side of Almighty God. His hand is on the temperature dial of this trial. It will not exceed the bounds of His permission nor the limits of His sovereignty.

He is my peace in the eye of the storm, my strength when mine lags, my hope against all hope, my reason to roll out of bed to face another day, my joy when surrounded by sorrows, my song when there’s nothing to sing about.

He’s the skip in my step, the gleam in my eye, the smile on my face, the fire in my heart, the keeper of my soul, the God of my next heartbeat, the forgiver of my past, the Guide of my present, and the guarantor of my future.

One thing I know for sure is that when this current crisis is past and the fiery oven is quenched, God’s church will be standing without so much as the smell of smoke or one hair singed. “Not a hair of your head will be lost,” (Luke 21:19)

Thank God for Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the living God!