I used to respond when someone would ask me how I was doing with the familiar phrase, “Oh, hangin’ in there!” It occurred to me recently that along the way the Holy Spirit has weaned me away from ever using it, even though I wasn’t consciously aware of him doing so.

Because “hanging in there” sounds like you’re hanging by a thread and any time now you may lose your grip and fall into defeat. It’s simply not a Biblical phrase.

For instance, we never see God’s saints in the Bible “hanging in there.”

God never advises his people to “hang in there.”

Paul the Apostle didn’t write in Ephesians 6, “Having done all, hang in there!”

No, we note that three times in Paul’s classic chapter on spiritual warfare we’re told to stand. “stand against the wiles of the devil.” “Having done all, stand.” “Stand therefore.”

It means we’re to stand our ground in the day of battle, planting our feet firmly on the Rock of God’s Word, refusing to retreat, hoist the white flag, surrender, or back down. Stand!

This is just a sample of the brand new message I’ll be sharing this Sunday ONLINE only at 9am and 11am. I felt a real sense of God’s touch as I delivered it today for recording. God was there!

I look forward to sharing this now word with you, and to regathering again in person very soon!